Romeo and Juliet Essay. The Theme of Love and Fate


“Romeo and Juliet” is the most recognizable tragedy written by William Shakespeare and the most famous love story in history. The tragedy was written between 1591-1595 years. William Shakespeare did not use his own imagination for creating this writing. The plot of the tragedy is built on an Italian tale that was translated by Arthur Brooke in 1562. Later William Painter retold the story in prose. Although Shakespeare borrowed a lot from both writings, he obtained a new and tempting plot by promoting a number of supporting characters. Particularly Mercutio and Paris became such characters in the tragedy. If you wish to receive any of essays on Romeo and Juliet or an essay about William Shakespeare biography, make an order on our site. We will find the best essay creator for you who will manage this question.

“Romeo and Juliet” is a tragedy about two young lovers. Their deaths reconciled two hostile families. During William Shakespeare’s life it was the most favored and beloved play. History recognizes “Romeo and Juliet”, along with “Hamlet”, the most frequently performed play during Shakespeare’s lifetime. The date of the first performance is unknown.

The criticism of the play was always divided. Samuel Pepys was an English administrator and Member of Parliament, he wrote in his diary that it was the worst play he had heard in his life. Almost 10 years later John Dryden wrote,” Shakespeare show’d the best of his skill in his Mercutio, and he said himself, that he was forc’d to kill him in the third Act, to prevent being killed by him.” In the 18th Century the criticism of the play was no less divided. Writers, publishers, and philosophers were meditating on the themes of the play, considering it whether a failure or a pleasing play. Through the 19th and 20th Centuries criticism focused on the moral side of the tragedy. According to Charles Dibdin’s arguments Rosaline was included in the play to reveal the imprudence of Romeo. The hero’s abandonment Rosaline was considered as thoughtless. Thus, Romeo looks like a fellow who is irresponsible in deeds, and that was the reason of his death.

The dominant theme in “Romeo and Juliet” is love. The play begins with the street brawl between members of two powerful families of Verona: the Montagues and the Capulets. Later Paris talks to Capulet, he wants marry Juliet. Capulet asks him to wait and invite Paris to be present at a planned masquerade ball.

 Meanwhile, Romeo undergoes depression. He is in love with Rosaline, she is one of Capulet’s nieces. Benvolio and Mercutio persuade Romeo to attend the ball which will take place at Capulet’s house. Despite the hopes to meet Rosaline there, he meets Juliet, and falls in love with her. In this way starts the beginning of Romeo and Juliet’s love journey, till it comes to the tragic end.

 In Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” one can find two types of love: unanswered love between Romeo and Rosaline, true love between Romeo and Juliet. Unanswered love describes the situation in which a boy does not find favour with a girl. In “Romeo and Juliet” Rosaline does not return the favour of Romeo. Someone may consider that this love is illusion, it is nothing more but infatuation. This case puts the reason why Romeo abandons the thoughts about Rosaline as soon as he meets Juliet. The sincere romance of main heroes changes their view on love. True love can’t be found within trivial allure, this feeling is above all superficial things. Love essay can help you understand this topic clearer.

Alongside this idea there is one more. How Rosaline can be so soon forsaken. What happens if Romeo meets a girl more beautiful and attractive than Juliet? Now this is a good topic to ponder. This is the question that Shakespeare challenges readers to answer. Is the true love everlasting, or it is the subject to change.

The writer describes a great power of love in the tragedy. Think back to the balcony scene. Juliet asks Romeo how he was able to climb the orchard walls. Romeo answers, “With love’s light wings did I o’er-perch these walls; for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do that dares love attempt.” Romeo is sure that everything can be achieved through the power of love. This line is followed by another one. In death Romeo and Juliet are united. This union was impossible while they were alive. Their deaths become the reason of reconciliation of two quarrelling families. All in all, someone can conclude that “Romeo and Juliet” is no longer a tragedy. The power of love makes the harmony between their families and the union of two lovers.

Even though this subject is super interesting, most people consider this writing to be a tragedy. Tragic fate awaits main heroes. In the prologue of the play a person understands that Romeo and Juliet are a pair of star-cross’d lovers . In other words, fate leads them, it rules their lives.

 Fate shows itself in all life situations of a young love-couple. Numerous events predict Romeo and Juliet’s tragic future: puzzling feuding between two families, the thwarted plans of Friar Laurence to reunite Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s awakening and fatal timing of Romeo’s death.

The plot of the tragedy and the structure of the play are based on the fate from which two lovers can’t escape. One may notice the hidden line of real and unreal worlds in the tragedy. For the majority of the story Romeo lives in unreal world. Juliet lives in both worlds. They meet at the masquerade ball. This meeting seems unrealistic, magical, and unusually powerful. When they are together, Romeo and Juliet live in a perfect and balanced unreal world. For these reasons, the tragedy of their relationships is doomed from the beginning: Romeo and Juliet’s love cannot exist in the real world where their feuding families live. 

William Shakespeare wrote the story of destiny. Nevertheless, let us look on this writing from the other side. People do things that affect their future life. If the characters of “Romeo and Juliet” made different decisions, they would prevent the tragic end. If Romeo controlled himself, he would not be expelled. In conclusion, someone may decide that fate has nothing to do with Romeo and Juliet’s life. Everything depended on their decisions, so they condemned themselves to such a tragic ending.

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