Spanish Slang Essay: Its Uniqueness For People


I think, that not every person like to sit at home for years. Our soul, spirit wants to get new impressions, make our life colorful. Grey weekdays make our life boring and routine. International tourism is developing nowadays. People travel to another countries with aim to find about the culture, which they are not familiar. In addition, they face with the language problem. Despite literary language, slang is more common thing now in countries of Europe. If international tourists and translators do not have problems with understanding and using English slang words, they have difficulties with the slang of Spanish speaking countries. Are you tired of writing essays? Our content writing service can help you. You can find useful information here. In this Mexican slang essay, I will talk about the feature of Mexican slang and its difficulty for the international tourists and translators.

What is the word "slang"? Some examples used by native speakers.

Slang of any kind, by its definition, is a variation of everyday spoken language, which often used for a particular purpose or situation. If you want to research this subject, you must possess a deep and precise understanding of the language in question and with its native speakers' culture, their beliefs, and mentality. Additionally, you must be extremely careful with the meaning of any slang expressions you want to use, because not only your speech may come across as offensive and rude, but also you will be considered as an ignorant and inconsiderate person.

What does the word "ese" mean?

In Spanish and Mexican slang, the spelling of the word "ese" sounds like "esse" or "essay," but the meaning of it is "a fellow man." You need to avoid any possible confusion if you want to be understood correctly. Moreover, in Mexican slang, many words are "gray," which means that such terms may hold a positive or negative meaning depending on the context. Misuse of such expressions is unacceptable.

Definition of "cabron" in English.

The word "Cabron" is an excellent example of the previous statement. The variety of its meanings is enormous and can depend on a person's mood, tone, or situation occurring at that moment. Generally, if applied to a person, this word holds two self-contradictory meanings like "cool guy" or "moron," so try your absolute best to distinguish the context correctly.

But at the same time, you don't have to be scared of every expression you use, because there are also many words holding positive meaning, such as:

  1. "Hermano" – brother as a sibling, bro;
  2. "Carnal" – best friend;
  3. "Chulo" – good looking, beautiful;
  4. "Chido" – cool, awesome;
  5. "Orale" – exclamation of an agreement; and many others.

What do you also need to know

If you want your research on Spanish or Mexican slang to be one hundred percent legitimate from a linguistic standpoint, you need to go to Spain or Mexico at least once or acquire a strong connection with the Spanish speaking community. This will provide you with a deeper understanding of the country's culture, mentality, and everyday life of its people. And who knows how many friends you will make along the way!

It is a common misconception to view slang as "dirty" or "lowly" speech. Slang is the "voice" and a testament to the creativity of ordinary people. It becomes more evident if you look into the fact that the slang is widely used by everyone, be it scholars, businessmen, or even teachers. It clearly deserves the same respect and attention as a formal language used in literature and science.

What is the word “slang”?  Frequency of using slang by English-speaking youth

Probably, it is difficult to meet a child, who would speak only on the literary English language. Youth slang has become firmly established in the spoken language. If many respectable adults do not neglect using it, so what is about the children? Moreover, what should we do if child is addicted to using slang? What is the catch? Linguists consider slang as the words, which differ from the norms of literary language. Indeed, if you carefully listen to the youth slang, you can find out    mangled English words. In this essay, we will examine youth slang. I think that each of us was familiar with English speaking slang. Let us look at some examples. When English youth wants to talk about their beloved ones, they use the word “bae”. Another interesting slang word is boots. The singer and actor of United States of America, Todrick Hall invented it. In his videos, he put this word in the end of sentence with aim to emphasize the sentence. The closest meaning of the word was as “very” or “really”. Another one word is hangry. This word is an interesting mixture of words “hungry” and “angry”. When English youth wants to describe the person, which is trying to be attractive and using desperate and strange ways, English use word “thirsty”. When teenagers want to emphasize good appearance of somebody, they use word “snatched”. American youth has more interesting slang words, which differ from the lexicon of English youth. Great example is word “dude” which means “guy”, “fellow”. This term has great usage among the youth and is met in American cartoon series, such as “Simpsons”, “South Park” and etc. The closest synonym is term “bro”. It is interesting to mark, that word “bro” is met not only in English speaking countries, but also in the countries, such as countries of former Soviet Union. Another frequent words are “screw up” (make mistake), “piece of cake” (something that is easy to do), a buck (American slang word as the synonym of dollar) and so on. One main question is the usage of slang. Should the international tourists and translators know the English slang? The question has two answers. It is not necessary for English learner to know slang. He can speak with people, using literary language. Moreover, he will understand English-speaking person and vice versa. However, speaking about the translators, they always have to   translate special theme of science (jurisprudence, medicine, machine engineering and so on). From the other side, knowledge of slang increases reserve of words for both, as tourists and translators. Against to the English slang, Spanish slang has more difficulties.

What is the Essence of Spanish Slang Issue for Tourists and Translators?

Spanish slang is necessarily needed for every tourist, travelling to Spanish-speaking countries. Spanish slang is a feast of metaphors and expression. The discrepancy of the Spanish slang from the literary language does not make this lexical material less important or interesting. If you are seriously looking to master the Spanish language, you need to start thinking about learning of Spanish slang. Spanish slang attracts very close attention of many linguists. It is more difficult to communicate in various fields of human life without the knowledge and understanding of slang. The main component of a Spanish slang is the language of present-day youth, which is the main driving force of development of this lexical layer. There are a lot of words with a neutral color, which take on a completely different expressive sound due to Spanish youth, therefore, adding the reserve of Spanish slang. Spanish slang is present in almost all spheres of human communication - from the household level to the professional relationship. You can read about the successful ways of dialog in communication essay. The main feature of Spanish slang is that it is widely used not only by youth, but also by adults. People, which are willing to learn Spanish slang and freely use the Spanish speech in any situation, just need to be acquainted with modern Spanish slang. Each language has its own profanities or figurative values ​​the usual words. To do this, you can watch the popular series, which have colloquial Spanish slang. You can also use the book editions, which absorbed all the diversity of Spanish slang. The man, who studies the classical Spanish language, should also know Spanish slang on a good level. This Mexican slang essay gives this little vocabulary, which will be very useful for every tourist or translator in order not to be in a problem situation. Slang of Spanish-speaking countries differ in every country. In this essay Mexican slang, I will touch the local slang of Mexico. Slang words will help you to speak like Mexican people in no time. At least, you can understand what they are talking about. Let us take some examples. Mexican variant of dude is Wey or Güey.  This word, which is referred to young people, you will hear everywhere. If you want to ask about someone’s business, you should use phrase “Que onda”, which means, “What’s up”. More about Mexican slang words you can find in various sources of information. Translators can have some difficulties with translation, while watching television. The main feature of Mexican slang, also as any Spanish-speaking slang is the meaning. The slang phrase can have different meaning in different aspects. You will absolutely hear some interesting phrases. First phrase is “¿Qué pedo?”. The literal translation is “what is the fart?”, while the actual meaning is the “what’s up?”. The second example is “Culero”. The literal translation of this phrase is “ass salesman”, while the actual meaning is the “asshole”. More interesting Mexican slang phrases will be met if you watch Spanish television channels at home. Mexican slang, as also Spanish slang will be always important topic for tourists and translators.


Spanish slang is necessary stage in learning of Spanish language. For tourists this form of lexicon helps to adapt in Spanish-speaking countries, while for translators solves the difficulties of translation. While English slang can be learned for self-development, Spanish slang is duty for tourists and translators.