Motivation Essay: How To Motivate Yourself On The Success


Motivation is always one of the most important themes in psychology. It is known, that the only motivation helps us to reach our goals. If you wish to change your life, you need to do something, to reach some goals and the motivation needs to be created. This motivation will be the driving force which will help you to reach your goal.

Types of motivation

There are two different types of motivation. The first one is “from” and the other one is “to”. Motivation “from” is the motivation of escape. It is when you would like to avoid something. For example, to prepare for the exam in order to avoid the failure, to wash the plates and your mother will not shout at you, to marry in order not to be alone. As it can be seen from the examples, this action are in order to avoid some troubles, which can happen.

In the case of motivation “to” people are trying to reach something and to get something that they wanted in the result of their actions. It is possible to use examples which were mentioned above. To prepare for the exam to pass it and to get the great job, to wash the plates, because you wish them to be clean and to marry to create strong family and have children.

As it is shown from the examples, the motivation “to” is very good for people. It creates the wish to do something and to wait for it. But if we are speaking about “from” motivation, it created the feeling of danger and uncomfortable pressure. The both motivations are helpful, but the motivation “to” is needed to have in the life as much as possible and it is recommended to avoid the motivation “from”.

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The reasons to give up

There are a lot of examples when people had very strong motivation, but later they did not reach their goals. It was because they did a lot from the very beginning and in the end , they just did not have a lot of energy resources and they just gave up.

Because of it, there is a need to start from the little steps. Yes, sure. For some people it is easier to do a lot of work from the very beginning till they reach their goals, but there are not a lot of such people. It is better to create the exact plan of your actions and follow him. Also, it is advised to analyze all your day and understand the reasons which did not give you the opportunity to make these steps.

There is another group of people that can refuse from their goals only because they had some difficulties from the very beginning. It is very important to ask your friends or your family to support you, because with their help, you will have a very strong motivation to reach the success and to change your life in the best way. Sometimes, a lot of different situation can happen and if people feel that they are alone, the desire to continue to do something just will disappear. Because of it the family should help you and you will see, that the difficulties is not something, that you will not be able to overcome.

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Methods for successful motivation

  1. Do not let you thing about anything bad, because all your thoughts will come true. If you imagine something bad, you can be sure that it will happen.
  2. Promise to yourself, that you will wake up early in the morning. The best motivation is the motivation, which starts from the morning. Even if you have nothing to do, wake up in the morning and just spend this time on your development, for example some interesting books or something like that.
  3. You should have a strong motivation to be the winner. When you wake up, just think: “ Today I will be better than yesterday, today is my best day in the world.”
  4. Try to see something good in every situation. All situations which you had is your experience and you need to value them. They gave you all needed knowledge and made you stronger.
  5. You should help other people if you have the possibility for it. You will get a lot of positive emotions and people will be grateful to you. If you improve someone’s life, you automatically improve your life too.
  6. Do not think, that you are on the wrong way. You will just destroy your motivation. You should be confident and you will reach the success.
  7. It is important to refuse from all other alternatives. You have a strict plan and you need to follow it.
  8. It is needed to see the progress which you made on the way to your goal. You will see the result and you will have more energy to reach your goal.
  9. Do not compare you with other people. It will decrease your motivation. You need to be better than you were yesterday.
  10. You can always ask about support your family. Your relatives will be glad to help you with it.

Everyone creates his or her life alone. So, the quality of your life depends only on you. Believe in yourself and work hard and you will get the success. It is possible to change your life in the best way, you just need to believe in it. The motivation to achieve your goals essay will help you a lot, because of it, you are needed to make the order on our site and to change your life in a short time.

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