Globalization Essay: Pros and Cons of Global Integration


It is difficult to find more modern topic for thoughts as global integration. There are many essays on globalization written by scientists, politicians, journalists, businesspersons, religious figures and people of art. Dozens of conferences and symposiums, hundreds of books and thousands of articles are dedicated to this occurrence. There are many approaches to the understanding of definition “globalization”. Some people think that it is natural process of integration of different cultures. Another people consider that it is new form of colonialism. The rest of the people agree with the fact that, humanity can freely promote world fund thanks to internationalization. It is also good question to determine advantages and disadvantages of such versatile process as global integration. However, let us look at first on definition of “globalization” or “internationalization”. 

Definition  and history of “globalization”

If we look in definition dictionary, we will see the description of word “global”. The definition of adjective “global” is relating to the whole world, entirely or comprehensive. According to different encyclopedias, we can formulate definition of process “internationalization” by own words as process of unification of all world spheres of life (political, economic, cultural) into one own system, which use all countries in the world. Now let us take an excursus to the history of globalization. First signs of it we can observe in ancient times. In particular, Roman Empire was one of the first states, which strengthened the domination on Mediterranean. It led to deep interlacement of different cultures and appearance of local division of labour in Mediterranean regions. The origins of global integration take part XVI and XVII centuries when sustainable economic growth in Europe, combined with advances in navigation and geographical discoveries. That’s why, Portuguese and Spanish traders spread all over the world and engaged in the colonization of America. In the XVII century Dutch East India Company, which traded with many Asian countries, has become the first genuine multinational company. In the XIX century, rapid industrialization has led to an increase in trade and investment between the European states and their colonies, and the United States of America. During this period, unfair trade with developing countries was in the nature of imperialist exploitation. In the first half of XX century process of global integration was interrupted by two world wars and share their period of economic downturn. After the Second World War, globalization resumed at an accelerated pace. It contributed to the advancement in technology, which led to rapid sea, rail and air transport, as well as access to international telephone services. However, globalization began to gain big spans in the 1990-s.

Sources of internationalization in all spheres of life

When we talk about globalization, we will of course view this process concerning such spheres as economics, culture, and politics. And what do you think? What is your opinion? If you do not like to write globalization essays, you can use the help of our essay writing service. Some useful information you can find here. Origin of globalization is compelled due to some sources. The first source is scientific and technical progress, which has led to the improvement of transport and sphere of communication. Success in computer technologies has allowed committing a breakthrough in information service. This has occurred thanks to establishment of Internet and e-mail. The second source can be regarded as giving the status of the world economy as a free. Thanks to taken measures, prices on goods and services has become cheaper. The third source can be hardily regarded as appearance of transnational companies. World was captured by transnational companies. Almost everyday all humanity drink or eat products of such companies (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds). All people wore clothes of leading companies (Adidas, Nike). Microsoft, Apple, Windows, Android, iOs. This list can be continued forever. Thanks to process of transnationalization, we can use and consume such production and goods from abroad, which our country does not have. It is safe to say, that transnational companies have taken over the reins of government on information and financial markets. Economics of all countries is acting now as one mechanism. Market economics is playing central role today. More and more free enterprises appear in Europe and countries of former Soviet Union. The culture of all nationalities has become united. Because of that, mass media has become more uniform. English has got the status of international language. Influence of national states begins to weaken. Global problems are solved by international organizations such United Nations Organization, World Trade Organization and so on.

Good and bad sides of globalization

Such process as globalization, obviously has as advantages and disadvantages. In this essay about globalization, I will give examples of positive and negative effects of it on humanity and planet.


The emergence of international competition is the first plus of globalization. As domestic producers, so as multinational companies can compete with each other. Strong competition leads to appearance of high quality production. World trade is profitable in modern situation. Appearance of new trade unions promotes process of globalization. Modern technologies are rooted almost everyday in all spheres of human life with aim to increase performance. This is achieved thanks to scientific and technical progress. Countries, that are lagging behind in economic development, can overtake advanced countries. They can catch up economics and strengthen positions in world arena. Humanity has become more tolerant, so there are no prerequisites for wars and conflicts, racism and wars for natural resources.  International tourism is flourishing. People can visit other countries and get acquainted with the culture of other nations.


Mainly, rich countries and individuals receive bulk of benefits. There are no benefits for countries with low growth of economics. National values are lost. We start to forget our own culture, traditions and customs. There is a risk of sole ruler. Too much power will be concentrated in hands of such ruler or maybe whole country. Some industries from world trade will get profit, growth of qualified workers, while others do not get support from state, become uncompetitive. Because of that owners lose money, people lose job. Service sector becomes more prioritized, while industry loses its positions. People need to look for new job with aim of receiving the money. Presence or absence of experience in specialty of workers has started to play important role because of competition. Qualified workers get high salaries, while others get almost nothing or does not have salary at all. This leads to unemployment. Unemployment leads to poverty. More about the reasons of poverty, you can find in essay on poverty. However, it can be also as a plus. People will need to train, develop and get qualification. Environment suffers from anthropogenic influence. Many rainforests are cut down. Oceans and seas are massively polluted by plants. There is a depletion of minerals. Generally, all this facts harm humanity and planet


To sum up, globalization is main topic for humanity. Obviously, it has as positive and negative impact on our planet. People should find ways to give emphasis positive changes in order to make world better. Decisions about negative consequences should be solved immediately by world. What is the essence of globalization then, if we doom our world into destruction?